Promises in JavaScript

Promises in JavaScript behave similarly to promises we make normally to people. It's something like you'll get great score if submit your assignments on time. In this example, if the student submits his assignments on time, the promise made to him gets fulfilled else, it will not. In JavaScript, promises let us handle tasks that might happen in the future. This concept is really important while doing tasks like making network requests, as we're not certain if the request gets resolved or not.

Promises were released in ES2015 to minimize the callbacky code we used to write.

The Syntax

To use a promise, we have to create a promise object that takes in a callback function with 2 arguments: resolve and reject.

let myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {})


If the promise is fulfilled, resolve gets called.

let myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let condition = true

    if (condition) resolve('Promise is resolved.')

Here, if the value of the condition is true, we resolve the promise. The promise returns the thing inside the resolve function if it gets resolved.


If the promise is not fulfilled, reject gets called.

let myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let condition = true

    if (condition) resolve('Promise is resolved.')
    else reject('Promise is rejected.')

We have successfully created a promise object that resolves if the condition is true and rejects if the condition is false. You can modify the use case as you want but this is the basic concept with which you can create promises.

The next step is to use the promise.

Using the promise object

Before promises, we had a concept of callbacks. With callbacks, we'd create a function to do something and after the function completes its execution, we'd call a function that does something to complement the task done by the first function. This step would be repeated again and again until we reach a callback hell. Promises solve this problem.

We can use a series of .thens to use a promise, if it's resolved.

Let's see how we'd use the myPromise promise object we defined above.

myPromise.then(data => console.log(data))

This would output the following on the console

Promise is resolved.

If the promise is rejected, we have to use a catch to handle promise. To make the promise reject, we can change the value of the condition variable to equal false. In such a case, our promise gets rejected.

    .then(data => {
        // This function only gets called if
        // the promise is resolved
    .catch(err => {
        // This function gets called if
        // the promise is rejected

After running the following program, we'll get the following output on the shell.

Promise is rejected.

If you've noticed, the data and err we've passed on then and catch equals to the data we've passed to the resolve and reject functions in the promise object we created above.

Implementation of existing fetch API on our own

The fetch API in JavaScript is a recent addition to JavaScript that allows us to make AJAX requests. Here's how it looks on code

    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(json => console.log(json))

Here, the fetch requests for data on the URL. The data we receive might not be in a JSON format, therefore we change it to be a JSON on the first then call. The JSON response after we convert the string is passed as json variable on the second then, which is printed on the console after that.

If we run the code above, we get the following output on the console.

  completed: false,
  id: 1,
  title: "delectus aut autem",
  userId: 1

Let's try to create a simulation of the fetch API. For simplicity, we'll not handle the network request part. We will just see how the promise is used in the fetch API.

function fetch(requestPassed = true) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (requestPassed) {
            resolve('{"success": true,
            "data": {"movies": ["batman", "iron man"]}}')
        } else {
            reject('{"success": false,
            "message": "Database connection failed"}')

To use this function that returns a promise, we can do the following

    .then(data => JSON.parse(data))
    .then(res => console.log(res))
    .catch(err => JSON.parse(err))
    .then(errorMsg => console.log(errorMsg))

Here, we have a default argument requestPassed which is a boolean. If it is set to true or even false, we return a JSON string. We have to parse the string to JavaScript objects so that we can use that properly on our application. Therefore, on the first .then call, we parse the string to represent it in an object format.

Thank you for reading. The next blog will be about async-await which makes using promises even more fun.